Just Cavalli Handbags UK
Italian fashion designer, Roberto Cavalli, is renowned for his excess and idiosyncratic style. This is reflected in his lavish lifestyle as well as his vibrant fashion ranges, right down to the handbags he offers up to tempt any true `bag lady`.
His Just Cavalli handbags, in top-quality leather and fabric, simply ooze style, elegance and luxury. The Just Cavalli logo print covers many of the handbags in the range, while on the others the clasp features the distinctive interwoven `JC`, or it`s embossed into the leather. Carrying a Just Cavalli handbag therefore simply screams `designer`.
Cavalli favours animal prints for his handbags - much as he does for his fashion ranges - and snakeskin and crocodile predominates the textured leather that`s used. Designs vary from super-soft slouches to formal frame-topped bags and capacious shoppers. If you`re a connoisseur of colour, you`ll love the delicious berry reds in the Just Cavalli handbags range!
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